Ian Goodale, MSIS

Select Publications and Presentations

(2024). Domovyk: Multilingual Transliteration for Cyrillic Text. Poster session at the SciPy conference in Tacoma, WA.

(2024). Discovering Sukhareva: Neurodiversity, Minimal Computing, and the History of Autism. A project showcase given at the 2024 Global Digital Humanities Symposium hosted by the Michigan State University Libraries.

(2023). “Pedagogy and Praxis in Libraries: Natural Language Processing for Non-English Texts.” Book chapter in Multilingual Digital Humanities. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003393696-9.

(2023). Rozha: Supporting and Simplifying Multilingual Natural Language Processing. Poster session at the SciPy Conference in Austin, TX.

(2022). Programming for Open Access: Using Python to Promote Open File Formats in the Texas Data Repository. Poster session at the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries.

(2021). New Methods in Digital Libraries: Python Programming for Access to Online Materials. Poster session at the New Shape of Sharing: Networks, Expertise, Information conference.

(2019).PyGallica: Creating a Python Wrapper for the Gallica Digital Library>. Poster session at the Digital Frontiers conference in Austin, TX.

(2017). The Prague Spring Archive at the University of Texas at Austin. Journal of Web Librarianship, 11(3-4), 220-230. doi:10.1080/19322909.2017.1373041

(2017). Two Digital Archives at the University of Texas at Austin Libraries. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Association of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies in Chicago, IL.

(2017). Integrating Digital Humanities Projects with Undergraduate Courses in Area Studies: 2 Case Studies. Poster session at Digital Frontiers conference in Denton, TX.

With Borrego, G. (2017). The Prague Spring Archive: Using Open Source Publishing and an Institutional Repository to Create a Dynamic Digital Collection. Poster session at Digital Frontiers conference in Denton, TX.